Family History Reprints

After 66 wonderful years, we have gone out of business as of April 2022. Chris Stevenson retired and we couldn’t find a buyer for the company. Thanks for your many years of support. We have a digital PDF copy of most histories that we can email a link to you to download. If you would like a PDF copy, send an email to with the request. There is no charge for this service.

Adams: Carma Adams Mangum; Life Story of Viola Harrison Adams & George Thomas Adams; 182 pp

Adkins: Stan Smith; Our Fathers’ Children; 1977, 69 pp

Allred: J. Urban Allred; The Diaries of J. Urban Allred; 1938, 410 pp

Andersen: Carrie Andersen; A Letter From Mom; 1978, 169 pp

Anderson: Haken Anderson Family Organization; The Haken Anderson Families; 1962, 408 pp

Anderson: Sherrill Anderson; Homeward; 1995; 168 pp

Anderson: Marie Ross Butcher; Hakan Anderson and Mariane Marie Nielsen; 1972, 554 pp

Anderson: Rinda Robinson; Vera Juanita Pierce Anderson, 1993;

Anderson:  Christian Anderson, Christian J Anderson Family History, 2002

Andrus: Leone Andrus Taylor; Milo Andrus Jr., The Man and His Family; 1971, 384 pp

Andrus: Sarah A. Simmons; Milo and Jane Mun Day Andrus and their progeny; 1961, 107 pp

Arminian Association: Nephi K. Kezerian, 130 pp

Artillery: E.W. Crocker; 145th Field Artillery; 1968, 115 pp

Asay: Flossie W. Asay; Descendants of Joseph and Sarah Ann Asay; 1965, 488 pp

Aston: Leora L.; 1989

Atkin: Bill Atkin; 307 pp

Atkinson: Helen Atkinson Cowan; Descendants of Charles John Atkinson and Ann Smith; 1962, 773 pp

Backus Family: Judy Nelson; 173 pp

Bailey: Dorothy E. Bailey; A Family History of Oliver Ladbrook Bailey, Ancestors and Descendants; 1973, 209 pp

Ball: Bonnie S. Ball; The Balls of Fairfax and Stafford in Virginia; 1961, 418 pp

Ballard McNeil Connection, Edna Cardon Taylor, 1987, 360pp

Bangerter: Blauer Lorenzo Bangerter 1923-1998; 145 pp

Barrett_Waterlyn: Norman W. Weidenheimer; Barrett Waterlyn Genealogy; 1977, 199 pp

Bartlett: Jim Bartlett; 132 pp

Bartlett: Thomas Edward Bartlett; The Bartletts, Ancestral, Genealogical, Biographical; 1973, 145 pp

Bean: Beth W. Porter; The George Bean Family Southeastern Idaho Pioneers; 1985, 186 pp

Beck: Susan Koyle; Col. Samuel Beck; 1997

Becker: Eva Brownfield Whitaker; Families of Becker-Dorflinger-Hartman; 1996; 631 pp

Bell: Floyd J. Bell; Autobiography of Floyd J. Bell; 1979, 62 pp

Benjamin Utah, Faces and Places of, Mary Beckstrom Jensen, Dick Whisman, 600pp

Bever: Vicki Doze; Melville Ward Bever Ancestors and Descendants, 1980, 319 pp

Biddulph: Remembering Lowell G. Biddulph; 1999; 245 pp

Bird: Lorna Booth Maycock and Virginia Booth Poulson; The Bird Family History; 1961, 214 pp

Black: Deona C. Black; 1984, 137 pp

Black: Patricia L. Stevens Banks; Tom & Callie Black, 1993

Blair: Izora Hatch Blair; Reminiscences; 1987; 64 pp

Blue Door: Josefina Febres and Harold E. Rosen; The Blue Door; 1979, 152 pp

Bodell: James H. & Maydene B. Bodell; 375 pp

Bonner: Almer, Hobson Organization; 1989, 85 pp

Booth: Relva Booth Ross & Wayne C. Booth; 229 pp

Booth: Wayne C. Booth; Booth Family History; 1971, 241 pp

Boyer: Raeann B. Collier; Edward and Vesta, Their Lives & Experiences; 1995; 271 pp

Bradt: Bradt: Annie Crane Madsen; History of Carl Madsen Bradt; 1998

Brandley: Marian Brandley; 82 pp

Brandley: Margaret Larsen; Johann Theodore Brandley; 1999, 179 pp

Briggs: David F. Briggs; History of Thomas Briggs; 1967, 177 pp

Brink: Laurel S. Powell; A Brink Book by Powell-Shanafelt Family; 1997; copyright

Brinton: Alice Brinton Jones & Nadine Brinton Bettilyon; Milton H. Brinton & Edna Howe Family History; 1984, 241 pp

Broadbent: Nedra W. Smith; Broadbent Treasures; A String of Pearls; 1992; 602 pp

Brockbank: Dr. Allen G. Brockbank; 163 pp

Brown: Bessie Brown Bangerter, S J Brown Family Origin; Histories of Samuel James Brown Family Descendants; 1985, 636 pp

Brown: Martha Whiting Brown & Maydene Brown Bodell; A History of Frank & Martha; 375 pp

Brown: Sytha Brown Roberts; The Family History of James Lehi Brown; 1967, 161 pp

Brownfield: Eva B. Whitaker; John Brownfield, 1791-1851 and Descendants, 1990, 850 pp

Browning: Jane Jolley P Browning; Autobiography of Jane Jolley Porter Browning; 1979, 443 pp

Buchanan: Hayle Buchanan; John Lorenzo and Julia Ann Zufelt Buchanan; 1977, 338 pp

Buchanan: Golden R. Buchanan; Archibald Weller Overton Buchanan; 1978, 244 pp

Bullock: Kenneth C. Bullock; A Genealogy of James Bullock and Mary Hill; 1964, 438 pp

Bunker: Josephine B. Walker; Bunker Family History; 1957, 306 pp

Burnett: Evelyn Bowers; 270 pp

Burroughs: Frances M. McMeen; Burroughs Family History; 1978, 239 pp

Burrup: Gayle Burrup Bales; The Life and Family of James Lee Burrup 1887-1947; 1985, 201 pp

Burrup: Joy Williams Critchfield, Life of James Lee Burrup & Mary Salverson; 1996; 439 pp

Burrup: Joy Williams Critchfield; History of William Burrup & Hannah Byington; 1998

Burrup: Jay G. Burrup; Documented History of James Burrup, Early Mormon Pioneer; 1980, 261 pp

Buttars: L. LaRue Godfrey; Damey, Ida.; 568 pp

Butterfield: S. Heber Butterfield; Ancestors and Descendants of Thomas Butterfield; 1964, 581 pp

Callison: Ethel L. Briggs; Genealogy of Gilmore Callison and Descendants; 1962, 264 pp

Card: Marie Card Burnham; Histories of Joseph Young Card; 1976, 287 pp

Cardons: Johnson & Taylor; 486 pp

Carling: Elda P. Mortensen; Isaac V. Carling Family History, Vol. I; 1966, 637 pp

Carling: Elda P. Mortensen; Isaac V. Carling Family History, Vol. 2; 1969, 521 pp

Carter: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Carter Pioneers of Utah; 1966, 536 pp

Carter: Jean C. Summers; Now and Then; Reuben & Emma J. Kay Carter Family; 1995; 210 pp

Cassia County: Norma Curtis; Daughters of UT Pioneers: A Pause for Reflection; 1978, 904 pp

Cazier: 795 pp

Cazier: Martha Cazier Eagar; The Life History of William Cazier; 1965, 58 pp

Chase: Reed H.; Think On These Things; 486 pp

Chase: Reed H. Life History of Reed H. Chase; 1995; 247 pp

Chatwin_Carter: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Chatwin-Carter Families of Santaquin, UT; 1970, 540 pp

Cheney: Don R. Hillquist, David Cheney and Lodema Hutchings, 1992;

Cherokee: Biographical History of Cherokee County, Iowa; 2000; 418 pp

Christensen: J. Newell Christensen.; 225 pp

Christensen: Nola Bjerregaard & Doris Christensen; 1983, 40 pp

Christensen: Virginia C. Keeler; Some Christensens Who Came From Thy; 1969, 1074 pp

Christensen: Soren Peter Christensen Family Histories; 1985, 452 pp; Florence Valgardson,

Christenson: A.H. Christenson; The Hard Rich Soil; 1966, 459 pp

Churchill and Brewer: Geneva C. Pace. Churchill and Brewer Lines; 1967, 56 pp

Clark: Walter E. Clark; Walter Edward Clark Biography; 1975, 137 pp

Clawson: Thomas Clawson Lloyd; 377 pp

Clawson: Angeline Clawson Hancock; Clawson Family History; 1990; 376 pp

Clayson: Zina Clayson Brockbank; History of Eli James Clayson, Descendants & Ancestors; 1969, 267 pp

Clayton: Paul E. Dahl; William Clayton _ Missionary, Pioneer and Public Servant; 1959, 308 pp

Clement: Patsy Clement, Journal of Darius Salem Clement, 2001, 596 pp

Cloward: Wells & Myrle Cloward;) Through the Years; 1993, 633 pp

Cobia: Hildred Cobia; 301 pp

Cobia: Ron W. Cobia, Richard S. Cobia, 1999, 127 pp

Coburn: Loran Coburn; Genealogy of the Coburn Family; 1997;

Cole: Evelyn Smith Baer; Genealogy & Descendants of Otis Skinner Cole, 1815_1896; 1972, 84 pp

Coleman: Arthur D. Coleman; Coleman Pioneers of Utah; 1962, 511 pp

Collier: DeFonda Collier & DeLoy Simper; Kay Nebeker; Joab & Theodocia Keeler Collier; 1983, 255pp

Collins: Ruby Collins Markland; The Jonathan Collins Family of Pa, Va, Ky, Tenn, Mo; 1969, 257 pp

Conzatti: Patricia Louise Edwards Brown;  Conzatti Family History; 1994;  232 pp

Cook: Robert E., 1982, 314 pp Patricia has copies

Cooke: Robert E. Cook, 480 pp –Patricia has copies

Corak: Alice Knight; 370 pp –original missing

Cottam: Charles Walter Cottam; Autobiography of Charles Walter Cottam; 1968, 203 pp

Cowan: Jessie C. Masterson;;Book of Memories, Cowan, Jones Patterson, Stuart; 1973, 155pp

Cowdery: Stanley R. Gunn; Oliver Cowdery Second Elder and Scribe; 1962, 281 pp

Cragun: Eva L. Cragun Heiner; Patrick Cragun Descendants; 1969, 386 pp

Crane: Alice J. Bodell; James Crane Family; 1965, 220 pp

Cranney: Harriet Hinckley Eliason; William Duane Cranney Sr.; 1957, 113 pp

Critchfield: George A. Critchfield; p 280, 1991

Crockett: Donna Hopkins Scott; The Crockett Family; 1968, 461 pp

Croft: A. Russell and Irene H. Croft; Out of Our Past; 19,73, 307 pp;

Culpepper, Culpepper’s of England and America, Warren H. Culpepper (Dick), 448pp

Cyclopedia:  E. Kay Kirkham; deceased; A Cyclopedia for American Researchers; 1994, 158 pp

Danish: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Danish Genealogical Research Parish Registers, Vol 1; 1965, 231 pp

Danish: Joseph Grant Stevenson. Danish Genealogical Research Census Records, Vol 2; 1965, 65 pp

Danish: Joseph Grant Stevenson;Danish Genealogical Research Probate Indexes for Jylland, Fyn, Langeland, and Aero, Vol. 3; 1965, 277 pp

Danish: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Danish Genealogical Research Military Records, Vol 4; 1965, 280 pp

Davis: Florence D. Valgardson; James Jordan Davis Family History; 1970, 399 pp

Day: LaVerle M. Day; 359 pp

Desert: Floy L. Turner; deceased; While the Desert Blossomed; 1962, 306 pp

Deuel: Evelyn Palmer Bentley; Silas S. Deuel 1755-1837; 1999; 188 pp

Dowdle: Harold Dowdle; 296 pp; Robert Dowdle, Sr. & His Descendants

Dredge: Ellen Dredge Castleton; The Life of Jesse H. Dredge; 1962, 80 pp

Edgemont: Eva Giles Gillespie; Edgemont Through the Years; 1965, 79 pp

Ellsworth: Ruth Ellsworth Blunck; George Franklin Ellsworth, Jr.; His Descendents to 1982; 1983, 72 pp

Elwell: Albert R. Elwell; The Genealogy and Descendants of Joel Elwell of N.J.; 1973, 95 pp

Emery Ward: Ruby Minchey; Memoirs from Members of Emery Ward Relief Society; 1962, 62 pp;

Enders:  Carolyn P. Mock; History of Johann Jacob Enders; 1993

England: Samuel Lewis; deceased; Topographical Dictionary of England; 1831 edition, 2362 pp

England & Wales: Frank Smith & David Gardner; Genealogical Atlas of England & Wales; 1974, 119pp

Esplin: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Esplin Pioneers of UT; 1968, 301 pp

Evans: Dixie Davis; Memories by Claude & Ilo Evans; 1995; 400 pp

Evans: Homer W. Evans; Our Evans Family; 1976, 53 pp

Evans: Bishop David Evans Family Association; Bishop David Evans and His Family; 1972, 649 pp

Evans: William R. Evans; 175 pp

Evans: William R. Evans; Homesteads and Indian Leases on the Lake Front; 1983, 151 pp

Fairchild: Vanda; 1988, 295 pp

Fairview: Lucile M. Hansen; History of Fairview,

Farnsworth: William Dewey Farnsworth; First Seventy Years, 1992, 362pp

Finlinson:  Judy Finlinson Lyman; Dwain J. Finlinson; 1995; 308 pp

Finlinson: Judy Lyman; In Memory of Harriet Wells Finlinson, 2000, 325 pp

Firmage:  Edwin B Firmage; Conversations with our Grandparents, Edwin D & Miriam R. Firmage; 1974, 132pp

Fish: Seymour P. and Vera P. Fish; Family of Joseph Fish, 1840_1926; 1970, 721 pp

Fitch: Dora Price Fitch; A Foretaste of Heaven; 1999

Floyd: Mary Fay Campbell Schertz; Descendants of John and Nancy Floyd; 1973, 660 pp

Fontana: Ray H. Banks; Fontana CA Stake of Zion; 1994; 302 pp

Foote: Autobiography of Warren Foote; 233 pp

Forbes: Amy Dickerson Dean Forbes; History of Parts of My Life; 1977, 109 pp

Ford _ Chandler: John Ford Parrish; deceased; Ford _ Chandler Family History; 1954, 315 pp

Frischknecht: Audry F. Bonnell; Frischknecht Family History; 1978, 183 pp

Galusha: Lynette Galusha Komarek; Ancestors & Desc of Simeon H. & Harriet Galusha; 2000; 220 pp

Garr: Glen Garr; The Descendants and Ancestors of Benjamin Franklin Garr; 1985, 272 pp

Glasgow: Lula Glasgow Barns Brandenburg; Mostly Glasgow; 1974, 114 pp

Godfrey: Helen A. Cowan; John Godfrey of Worcestershire England, Ancestry & Posterity; 1980, 723 pp

Grantsville: Alma P. Gardiner; Founding and Development of Grantsville, UT, 1850_1950; 1959, 513 pp

Greenwood: Quentin Edward Greenwood; History of Quentin Edward Greenwood; 1979, 59 pp

Grover: Joel P. Grover; The Ancestry and Genealogy of Thomas Grover, 1807_1886; 1959, 371 pp

Hair: Hannah Laurie Hair Perry; The Hair Family History; 1961, 238 pp

Hale: Nathan Hale Gardner; Alma Helaman Hale, History and Genealogy; 1961, 258 pp

Hansen: Milo V. Hansen; Autobiography of Andrew Janus Hansen; 1852_1932, 1969, 310 pp

Hanson: Mabel H. Redd; The Story of Erick Hanson and Jonena Goodman; 1969, 83 pp

Harris: Ardath Tolson Stedman; A Harris Family with Related Lines; 1967, 379 pp

Hauptmann: William Henry Hauptman, Jr.; The Hauptmann Family; 1975, 126 pp

Heal: T.H. (Harry) Heal; deceased; Autobiography of Thomas Henry (Harry) Heal; 1961, 262 pp

Healey: Betha S. Ingram; RFD #1, The James and John Healey Family; 1963, 689 pp

Heninger: Arlene Palmer Smith, John Taylor Heninger Jr.; 1997; 447 pp

Henrie: Marie D. Henrie; 1988, 214 pp

Hershberger:  Nita Caffrey, Ancestry of Samuel L. Hershberger, 2001

Hill: Armin J. Autobiography of Armin J. Hill; pp 184;

Hill: Mark R. Hill; A Biographical History of George Hill, 1673_1975;1975, 332 pp

Hinckley: Edwin Smith Hinckley,174 pp

Hobson: Almer Bonner; 85 pp

Hogge: Verna Hogge; Life of George John Hogge, 1991;

Holbrook Lafayette Hinckley Holbrook Families; 1961; 176 pp

Honegger: Nadine W. Larson, Hans Jacob Honegger from Switzerland to America; 1987

Hopi Navajo: Charles H. Stephens, The Origin and History of the Hopi Navajo Boundary Dispute in Northern Arizona; 1961, 342 pp

Howe: Gilman B. Howe. John Howe of Mass., Ancestry; 1929, 564 pp

Hunt: Condace Jeanette Hunt; Drama of the Ages; 1973, 81 pp

Huntsman: Lamond Welcome Huntsman; Huntsman Annals; 1971, 132 pp

Indians: Charles H. Stephens. The Origin and History of the Hopi Navajo Boundary Dispute in Northern Arizona; 1961, 342 pp

Indians:  E. Kay Kirkham; deceased; Our Native Americans, Vol. 3; 1994, 247 pp

Iowa Marriages: Liahona Research Inc. Iowa Marriages, early to 1950; 1990; 380 pp

Ireland: David Gardner and Frank Smith; Atlas of Ireland; 1972, 111 pp

Ivins:  Tim Ivins, The Making of a Family by Tim & Cathy Ivins; 2001,

Jenner: Dorothy Evelyn Bailey; Family History of Solomon Chessell Harvey & Eliza Jane Jenner; 1983, 463 pp

Jensen: Mary R. Olsen; History of Christian Jensen and Barbara Christensen;  118 pp

Jensen: Willis Aaron Jensen; The Lives and Ancestors of William Andrus Jensen and Pauline Bangerter; 182 pp

Job: Bliss J. Brimley; 1988, 378 pp

Johansen: A Legacy of Love; History of Grant LaMar and Louise Bagley Johansen; 149 pp

Johnson: Cora Lee Johnson; Autobiography of Aaron Johnson Jr; 1975, 163 pp

Johnson: Loaz Whitfield Johnson; Greatness Whitout Fame; 1967, 591 pp

Johnson: Marilyn W. Clayton; Family Record of Abner Huntsman Johnson; 1979, 247 pp

Johnson: Joyce Seely and Max R. Johnson; James Johnson and Harriett E. Lamb; 1967, 190 pp

Johnson: Alan P. Johnson; Inherited Blessings; 1998; 114 pp

Jolley: Corrine Applegate, Masiel and Mary Jolley; 1995; 144 pp

Jolley: Vera; 1985, 198 pp

Jones: Dix M. Jones; The Family of Edward Jones & Mary Ellen Evans; 1985, 367 pp

Jones: Mrs. Rheim Jones; 241 pp

Jones: Norma Brady, The Jones Book, 1999,

Jordans: Octavia Jordan Perry; These Jordans Were Here; 1969, 398 pp

Kartchner: Sarah P. Collinwood; The Kartchner Family; 1974, 849 pp

Kawler: James H. Kawler; Socio-Mathematics

Kay Pendleton Neel: George H. Rose; Kay Pendleton Neel Families; 1969, 346 pp

Kearl: Alley V. Johnson Taylor; Kearl Family History; 1966, 527 pp

Kearl: Vera Lee Kearl Marshall;  ; Proud to Remember; 1964, 148 pp

Kelsick: George H. Rose; Sutton Families; 1971, 468 pp

Kempton: Margarite Kimpton Stevens & Jan Stevens Lockard; Kempton/Kimpton Families Life & Lineage of Jerome B.; 1985, 383 pp; Astar Enterprise; copyright

Kesler: Val J. Kesler and James M. Black; The Kesler Family of UT; 1961, 196 pp

Kidd: Kathy Hunter, Carson Gilbert Kidd & Nellie Florence; 1996; 430 pp

Killpack: Garth H. Killpack;1984, 681 pp

Kimball: Olive K. Mitchell; Gordon… A biography; 1987; 380 pp

Kingston: Marilynn Kingston Stevenson; Richard James Kingston, 1891_1971; 1976, 64 pp

Kirkham: E. Kay Kirkham; George (Wm.) Kirkham Family History; 1973, 285 pp

Klingman: Ida Z. and Frederick E. Klingman ; The Klingman Family History; 1966, 527 pp

Knowlton: Ezra C. Knowlton;; Autobiography of Ezra Clark Knowlton, Part I; 1967, 209 pp

Knowlton: Ezra C. Knowlton; Autobiography of Ezra Clark Knowlton, Part 2; 1968, 434 pp

Krieger-Kirk: Judy Krieger; 235 pp

Kunz: John Kunz Jr.;Journal of My Mission (4 vols.) Swiss Italian German Mission; 1976, 123 pp

Lakeview Ward: Christian Jeppesen Jr.; History of Lakeview Ward, 1855_1951; 1969, 194 pp

Lambrights: Mary Fay Campbell Schertz The Lambrights; 1977, 535 pp

Lamoureux: Christopher Mark Lamoureux; Ancestors & Desc. of Stanislaus Lamoureux; 1995; 379 pp

Land Records: E. Kay Kirkham, Land Records, Census and Military Records; 1972, 280 pp

Larson: Helen C. Larson, “The Little Black Bag” History of Rudolph Vernon Larsen M.D.; 1983, 145 pp

Larson: Nadine Larson.; 258 pp

LaVerkin: Victor Hall; A History of LaVerkin City; 2000, 220 pp

LaVerkin: LaVerkin City, LaVerkin History; 2001,

Lawson: Larry Lawson; 202 pp

Leavitts: Jane Jennings Eldredge; deceased; The Leavitts of America; 1924, 270 pp

Lee: Samuel Lee Family Organization; (Norma C. Bentley) 1989, 203 pp

Lester: Norman W. Weidenheimer; Lester Genealogy; 1977, 341 pp

Lichfield: Walter Lichfield; by them; 1999,

Lindsey: Fayrene Bonebrake; Rt 4,); Lindsey Vol. 2 by James Lindsey Family; 1995; 680 pp

Little Lost: Anna Kyle Sermon; Little Lost River Valley; 2000; 520 pp

Lomax:  Scott H. Partridge; History of David H. & Marjorie Lomax; 1994

Lovell: Burton F. Lovell; King of the Herd; 1991; 288 pp

Luke: Emma Lou Luke Rogers; The William Haydock Luke Family History; 1967, 404 pp

Lyman: Albert R. Lyman; deceased; Amasa Mason Lyman _ Trailblazer and Pioneer; 1957, 357 pp

Lyman: Albert R. Lyman; deceased; Biography _ Francis Marion Lyman _ Apostle; 1958, 231 pp

Madsen: Hattie M. Knight; deceased; James Ephriam and Birgithe Jensen Madsen children; 1976, 159 pp

Mangum: Donna, 1989

Marrott: Kenneth C. Bullock; A Genealogy of William Marrott and Louisa Fowlke; 1965, 284 pp

Mardsden: Lucius N. Mardsen Family Org.; William and Lucius N. Marsden; 1991; 736 pp

Martell: Maureen Cheever,; Morris Jenkins Martell; 1992;

Matthew McCune Family: McCune Family Association; 427 pp

Mattice: Rex G. Mattice; deceased; Mattice Family History, 1709_1961; 1962, 1130 pp

McArthur: Chloe, Her Life and Memories; 230 pp

McCain: Grant H. Iverson; Peter McCain History & Allied Families; 1979, 405 pp

McDonald: Leona McDonald Smith; William McDonald (1822_1910) & Christian Wallace; 1967, 462 pp

McFarland: Ruth M. Lindley; Luella Kingston McFarland; 1978, 179 pp

McKee: Raymond W. McKee; deceased; The Book of McKee; 1959, 658 pp

McMeen: Frances M. McMeen; Francis McMeen, Ancestral Patriots; 1976, 107 pp

Memmott: Clif N. Memmott; Life Story of Clifton Newel Memmott; 1983, 433 pp

Memmott: H. Kirk Memmott;; Thomas Memmott Journals; 1975, 259 pp

Memmott: H. Kirk Memmott; Thomas Memmott Vol. II; 480 pp

Miles: Claudette M. Scott, Miels and Miles; 1992; 203 pp

Miller: Myrtle Snyder Miller; The Memoirs of Myrtle Snyder Miller, D.O.; 1964, 64 pp

Minchey: Arminta Hewitt; 210 pp

Mock: Carolyn Pratt Mock; The Martin Mock Story; 1991; 261 pp

Monroe, UT:  Willard Murdock, 2002

Monson: Beth Olsen, Call of Zion; 2001,

Moore/Levi/Flake Family: Elizabeth Lynn Scharnhorst; 1989, 318 pp

Mortensen: Jane M. Mortensen; The Robert & Jane McDonald Mortensen Family History; 1986, 207 pp

Motley: Lola Bernice Frakes; The Motleys of Virginia; 1963, 209 pp

Motley: Lola Bernice Frakes; The Families of Williams, Kenoyer, New, Motley; 1969, 674 pp

Murphy: Emanuel Masters Murphy: Life, Children, 1980, 210 pp

Murphy: Lola Frances M. McMeen; Daniel Washington Murphy Family; 1977, 442 pp

Musser: Gertrude M. Richards, Life of Amos Milton Musser; 1980, 140 pp

Myrtle: Harold Ethington, Myrtle, Journal of Myrtle Anita Molyneux Clark; 1984, 250 pp

Nauvoo Bell: Minnie I. Hodapp; Nauvoo Bell; 1963, 52 pp

Nauvoo Temple: Don F. Colvin; History of Nauvoo Temple; 1962, 236 pp

Navajo_Hopi: Charles H. Stephens; The Origin and History of The Hopi_Navajo Boundary Dispute in Northern Arizona; 1961, 342 pp

Neff: Barbara Neff English; The Collected Poems of Dorothy Neff; 1977, 76 pp

Nelson: Mansel H. Nelson; Edmond Nelson–Jane Taylor  Family History; 1970, 306 pp

Nelson: ElRoy Nelson; ElRoy Nelson Family History; 1981, 246 pp

Neves: LaVerle Neves Makin Day; Their Roots Were Long and Deep–A History of the Wilford Neves Family; 1990, 358 pp

Newton:  Irene & Eva Newton; Newtons and Their Kin; 1994

Night Winds: Glen H. Turner; Night Winds and Other Poems; 1990; 79 pp

Noakes: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Noakes Pioneers of UT; 1965, 305 pp

Nurse: Helen J. Lamb; American Nurse With British Troops in France 1916_1919; 1981, 107 pp

Oak City: De Ann D. Steele, Shadows of the Past; 2001,

Oblad: William H. Oblad; John Fredrick Oblad’s Missionary Journal; 1975, 153 pp

Olsen: Andrew “C” Iverson; Diary of John August Olsen; 1978, 359 pp

O’Neil: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; The John and Nannie O’Neil Family; 1963, 278 pp

Ord: Roberta Ord Anderson, Lewis and Violet; 1999, 147 pp

Orderville: Noreen Porter; Orderville Ward Relief Society; 1961, 117 pp

Pack: Florence G. Munson and Lois C. Wilson Descendants of Samuel Benjamin Pack and Maria Holton; 1969, 301 pp

Pack: Wehrli D. Pack; A Bit of Pack History; 1969, 300 pp

Packard: Alan Johnson, Packard Biographies; 2000, 225 pp

Pahranagat Valley: Louise B. Stewart; The History of Pahranagat Valley; 1978, 178 pp

Palmer: Sarah P. Collinwood; The Descendants of George Palmer and Phebe Draper; 1962, 1307 pp

Pardoe: Kathryn B. Pardoe; Family History of T. Earl and Kathryn B. Pardoe; 1977, 45 pp

Parley’s Pages: Maude Stevens; 200 pp

Paskett: Parley J. Paskett; The Paskett Family; 1975, 524 pp

Paskett: Parley J. Paskett; Round the Campfire; 1972, 282 pp

Peart: Amelia Peart MacDonald Marx & Joseph Grant Stevenson; Peart Family History, Vol 1; 1968, 241 pp

Penrod: Harold R. Penrod;  Penrod Family History; 1970, 273 pp

Pen Women: Caroline E. Miner; UT State National League of Pen Women; 1972, 162 pp

Perkins: Melvin Wakefield, Reuben J. & Jane Perkins; 1999, 590 pp

Perry: Charles Wesley Perry; A History of the John Wesley Perry Jr. Family; 1967, 137 pp

Perry: Ivan D. Perry; Perry Family History; 1966, 642 pp

Perry: Donna Perry Vincent; Marion Perry Descendants and Progenitors; 1988; 536 pp

Peterson: Jennive Clark Dransfield; The Anders Peterson Families, 1862_1960; 1964, 399 pp

Peterson: Edith P. Christiansen; Canute Peterson, Norway to America; 1976, 164 pp

Peterson: Wanda S.;

Peterson: Peterson Family Org.; Andreas Peterson; 1992;

Pettit: William Alfred Pettit, Sr.; Pettit Peregrinations; 1963, 252 pp

Pioneers:  Floy L. Turner; deceased; Pioneers of the Outposts; 1962, 40 pp

Pitts:  Doyle Pitts; Memoirs of Doyle Pitts; 1994

Place-Names:  E. Kay Kirkham; deceased; Small Place-Names of Western United States; 1994, 52 pp

Poetry:  Peter Myer, I Turn My Heart by Ila Marie Myer, 2001,

Pollard: Alan Johnson, Pollard and Bills Biographies; 1999,

Porter: Mae Browning & Verla Porter; Byron Porter Family Descendants; 381 pp

Porter: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Porter Family History, Vol. 1; 1957, 345 pp

Porter: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Porter Family History, Vol. 2; 1991, 357 pp

Porter: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Porter Family History, Vol. 3; 1998, 269 pp

Porter: Kenneth Winder Porter; Kenny; 1993

Poulton: Karlene Hardy, William Hyrumm Poulton & LuLu; 2001, 162 pp

Pratt: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Pratt Pioneers of UT; 1967; 699 pp

Pratt: Carolyn Pratt Mock; The History of Benjamin Marden Pratt and Lilly Cecelia Shirk; 1994; 178 pp

Prescott:  Max W. Prescott; Prescott Elvin Page Book of Remembrance; 1992; 174 pp

Prescott: David W. Warner, John Prescott; 1992;

Prince: Beth Perry Prince; Autobiography of Beth Perry Prince; 1998

Probst: Elizabeth Beck Probst : Meditation; 1965, 93 pp

Proctor: Elizabeth Proctor Kidle; Family of Auer Winchester Proctor, Vol. 3 Ericksen; 1984, 701 pp

Proctor: Marian Proctor Brandley: The Family of Auer Winchester Proctor; 1973, 334 pp

Prows: Lena Prows Steele Three Thomas Prows Descendants 1726_1980; 1981, 473 pp

Purdy: Clarence Henry Purdy; deceased; Some Ancestors and Descendants of Isham Purdy; 1965, 187 pp

Rasmussen: Mary R. Olsen; History of Hans Rasmussen and Maren Stephensen; 1961, 40 pp

Reid: Sarah Lucy Bronson Bodin and Nina Beth Goe Cunningham;  Reid Family History; 1972, 431 pp

Rhees: LeGrand B. Ward; Reuben George Rhees, 1905_1974; 1977, 71 pp

Richards: Joseph Grant Stevenson;; Richards Family History, Vol. 1; 1977, 366 pp

Richards: Joseph Grant Stevenson;; Richards Family History, Vol. 2; 1981, 307 pp

Richards: Joseph Grant Stevenson;; Richards Family History, Vol. 3; 1991, 379 pp

Richards: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Richards Family History, Vol. 4; 1998, 260 pp

Richards: Minerva Richards Tate Robinson; The Life of George F. Richards __ Apostle; 1965, 169 pp

Richards: Arthur S. Richards; Ianthus Parker Richards, Ancestors and Descendants; 1977, 280 pp

Richards: Franklin L. West; deceased; Life of Franklin D. Richards; 1924, 277 pp

Richards: Mae Richards Fotheringham; Stayner Richards….Our Father; 1975, 188 pp

Richards: Claire Wilcox Noall; deceased; Intimate Disciple _ A Portrait of Willard Richards; 1957, 664 pp

Richards: Vera W. Richards; Life of D. Carl Richards; 1993

Richards: Arthur D. Slater, Man of Integrity; 1999,

Ricks: George A. Ricks; Remembrances; 1981, 414 pp

Rideout: Golda Rideout Soffe; Descendants of Ann Blows Gilby Rideout; 1962, 106 pp

Riggs: John M. Riggs; Sandyville, 1968, 104 pp

Risdon: Descendants of Josiah Risdon; by Robert E. Cook,

Rogers: Karl R. Lyman; Biography of Clarence Rogers; 90 pp

Ropers: Mel and Ann Roper; The Ropers; 1993;

Rose: George H. Rose; Rose and Allied Families; 1973, 394 pp

Ross: Wayne C. Booth; Autobiography of Relva Booth Ross; 1971, 231 pp

Rotary: T. Earl Pardoe; deceased; History of Rotary District 542; 1966, 236 pp

Roundy: Zelpha A. Roundy; A Few Slices From My Bread of Life; 114 pp

Rust: Zella R. Bennion, Beneath the Casing Rock, George Smith Rust Family; 1981, 337 pp

Saigeon: Mrs. J.J. (Rae) Reeder; Saigeon Family History; 1966, 91 pp

Sartori: Elizabeth A. Sartori; Sartori and Wargo Family History; 1971, 41 pp

Scharnagel: Deloris P. Bennett; Descendants of John and Mary Scharnagel; 1960, 141 pp

Schwartz: Kae Schwartz Packard; The Life and Family of Ernest Schwartz and Emma Bingelli; 1999; 467 pp

Scotland: David E. Gardner & Frank Smith; Genealogical Atlas of Scotland; 1972, 70 pp

Seely: Hether Seely Hamilton; Seely Memoirs; 1997

Shanafelt:  Laurel S. Powell; Earl Shanafelt Family; 1994; copyright

Shelton: Robert S. Shelton; Shelton Family History; 1978, 127 pp

Shumway: Kenneth W. Godfrey; Charles Shumway, A Pioneer’s Life; 1974, 206 pp

Sills: Isom L. Stephens; Sills, Cliburn and Pitman; 1972, 429 pp

Silver Beaver: T. Earl Pardoe; deceased; Silver Beaver, Vol 2; 1968, 253 pp

Skinner:  Relia Skinner, Skinner Legacy by Relia Skinner, 2001

Slack: Caddie Slack Watson; Slack Family History; 1965, 186 pp

Smith: Arlene P. Smith; Portraits of our Past; 1981, 186 pp

Smith: Carol Smith; 238 pp

Smith: Dean Jarman; The Life and Contributions of Samuel Harrison Smith; 1961, 127 pp

Smith: Elaine C. Nichols; Descendants of Joseph F. Smith, 1838_1918; 1976, 201 pp

Smith: Maude Bliss Allen ; Absalom Wamsley Smith, His Ancestry and Descendants; 1962, 430 pp

Smith: Nona Smith; 1989, 371 pp

Smith: Stan B. Smith; Our Father’s Children

Smith: Ruth Smith Gifford; History of William Charles Smith; 1994

Smith: James D. Pratt; Personal History of Hugh Charles Smith; 1991; 210 pp

Snow: Bess Snow; History of Levi and Lucina Streeter Snow; nd, 124 pp

Snow: Lorenzo Lealand Snow and Norma Child Snow; Memories of Mother and Dad Snow Betty and Mase; 1983, 156 pp

Sorensen: Steven Grant Millar; John Peter Sorensen Family History; 1974, 305 pp

Southwick: Elaine Christensen Southwick; Life & Posterity of Edward Southwick III; 1971, 508 pp

Spurlock: Austin Spurlock; The Spurlock Story; 1976, 319 pp

Stevens: Mrs. W.A. Stevens; 383 pp; copyright

Stevens:  Charles Sims; Family of William Robert Stevens & Alice Banks; 1994

Stevenson: Joseph Grant Stevenson;; Stevenson Family History, Vol 1; 1956, 351 pp

Stevenson: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Stevenson Family History, Vol 2; 1972, 635 pp

Stevenson: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Merlon “L” Stevenson, Coach, etc.; 1975, 106 pp

Stevenson: Joseph Grant Stevenson; Katie Lynn Petersen Stevenson; 1976, 564 pp;

Stevenson: Edward Stevenson; Autobiography; Stewart: Marion Stewart Peterson; History of William Thomas Stewart; 1972, 240 pp

Stewart: Pearl S. Tolman; History of Raymond & Ruth Paris Stewart and Family; 1982, 135 pp

Stoddard: Kent Stoddard; Judson Lyman Stoddard, 1981, 45 pp;

Stork: C.A. Stork; deceased; The English Storkes in America; 1935, 271 pp

Stroud: Roger D. Stroud; The Archibald Stroud Family; 1995; 268 pp

Sugarville: Robert J. Jenson; History of Sugarville, Millard County, UT, 1908_1977; 1978, 43 pp

Sun Dance: William Frederick Hanson; 1967, 224 pp

Sutton: Dorothy Sutton Nicolaysen, The Fruit of this Tree, 1981, 346 pp

Swindler: Gertrude Swindler.401 pp

Tait: William R. Tait; The Bert and Julia Tait Family; 1999; 140 pp

Talbert: Eugene Talbert Aldridge;; Some Southern Talberts; 1975, 278 pp

Tanner: Vasco Myron Tanner;            Tanner/Atkin Family Book; 1988; 238 pp

Tanner:  LeRoy Mott, My Grandparents, 2002,

Taylor: Sara Taylor Roberts; Venna Leona Parkinson Monson Taylor; 1995; 167 pp

Taylor: Edna C. Taylor; 1687 E. 1460 N., Logan, UT; 357 pp

Taylor: Jesse Lenard Warner; The Coneto Creek Taylors; 1973, 110 pp

Terry: Golda Rideout Soffe; The Descendants of Joshua Terry; 1962, 203 pp

Terry: Joyce Muhlestein, Biographical Sketch of James Parshall Terry; 1976, 99 pp

Tew Family: Marlene T. Colarusso; 192 pp

Thornock: Clarence S. Thornock; Thornock Pioneers Salt Lake Valley Colonizers, Bearck Valley; 1982, 245 pp

Thurman: Merna Thurman Madden; The Descendants of Edward Moroni Thurman; 1964, 264 pp

Tippets: Lucile Tippets Moncur; Brigham Lewis Tippets, Jr. Family; 1979, 283 pp

Tipton: Ellen Mae Tipton and George H. Rose; The Tipton Hazelton Payne Barr Families; 1976, 163 pp

Tolson: Ardath Tolson Stedman; A Memorial to Thomas Tolson, 1815-1854; 1972, 266 pp

Turk: T. R. Turk; Turk Family History; 1978, 408 pp

Turner: Floyd C. Turner; Pioneers of the Outposts

Upton: Charles B. Upton; 1977, 52 pp

Uptain: Sorena Carol Beals; Uptain Families and Kin; 1978, 180 pp

Van Alstine: Lester Van Alstine; Van Alstyne -Van Alstine Family History, Vol.1; 1974, 409 pp; use Vol. 3

Van Alstine: Lester Van Alstine; Van Alstyne – Van Alstine Family History, Vol.2; 1978, 612 pp; use Vol. 3

Van Alstine: Lester Van Alstine;; Van Alstyne – Van Alstine Family History, Vol. 3; 1989, 684 pp. revised ed.

Van Buren: Virginia C. Keeler; Cheney Garrett Van Buren and His Family; 1962, 500 pp

Van Cott: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Van Cott Pioneers of UT; 1967, 290 pp

Vest: Jean Carter Summers; James William and Mary Newton Vest Family; 1994; 200 pp

Wakefield: Melvin L. Wakefield; 375 pp; John Fleming Wakefield

Walburger: Nedra W. Smith Walburger; 1991; 365 pp

Walker: Rodney W. Walker; William Holmes Walker; 1943, 87 pp

Walker: Rodney W. Walker, From England to Boston; 2001,

Wall: Garth D. Mecham; William Madison Wall, His Life and Letters; nd, 264 pp

Ward: LeGrand B. Ward; Lorenzo Ward; 1977, 36 pp

Ward: Susan Easton Black; 152 pp

Ward: Susan Lindsay Easton; Illustrous Forebears; 1978, 360 pp

Warner:  David W. Warner, Ancestry & Descendants of Mortimer Wallace Warner, 2002,

Warnick: Merrill N. Warnick; Warnick Family History; 1966, 485 pp

Warnock: Elayne Reid; 160 pp

Warnock: Irvin L. Warnock; Our Sixty Years Together, The Story of Our Lives; 1973, 248 pp

Watkins: Debbie I. Watkins; Autobiography of Seven sons of Thomas Russell & Julia A. Watkins; 1981, 62 pp

Watson: Alma Gertrude Watson McGregor;; Lorenzo Dow Watson; 1970, 288 pp

Webster:  Hildred Cobia, Tapestry, A Webster History by Hidred Cobia, 2001,

Weidenheimer: Norman W. Weidenheimer; Weidenheimer Genealogy; 1976, 204 pp

Westwood: Richard Elwyn Westwood Jr.; Westwood Family History; 1973, 360 pp

Westwood: Richard E. Westwood; Dreams Can Come True; 1998

Weymouth: Ruth Ella Weymouth; Weymouth Family History; 1978, 416 pp

Whipple: Reed Whipple; Life History of Reed Whipple; 1980, 242 pp

Whitaker: Erma W. Sorensen; Whitaker Family in England and America 1591_1980; 1980, 720 pp

White: Reldon C. White, Thomas Washington White; 1981, 408 pp

Whitesides: Carolyn Ludlow. My Book of Remembrance; 2001, 84 pp

Whiting: Annette W. Farr; Story of Edwin Marion Whiting & Anna Maria Isaacson; 1969, 384 pp

Whitney: Frank M. Whitney, One of Us Amateurs, 1980, 120 pp

Wilcock: 718 S. Cherry Dr. Family of Samuel Richard Wilcock and Francettie Eyre 1871_1955/1871_1959; 1980, 407 pp

Williams: Lola Bernice Frakes; Families of Williams, Kenoyer, New, Motley; 1967, 665 pp

Willis: Opal M. Willia; 539 pp

Wilson:  Mary W. Miles; Our Wilson Pioneers; 1997;

Wimmer: Arlene Hill, The Roots & Branches of Harold J Wimmer; 2001, 254 pp

Winchester: Marian Brandley; Volume 2: Winchester; 1979, 679 pp

Winder: Maurine Stokes Cook; Winder Ward History; 1977, 322;

Winder: Ruth W. Robertson; John R. Winder booklet; 1978, 21 pp

Winkels: Dena W. Allen; The Winkels; 1962, 154 pp

Winterton: Arthur D. Coleman; deceased; Winterton Pioneers of UT; 1963, 261 pp

Winterton: Alan Winterton, Daily Journal of Moroni Winterton; 1996; 87 pp

Wise_Tong: Arthur D. Coleman; Wise-Tong Pioneers of Clackamas, Oregon; 1965, 259 pp

Wood: Melvin S. Tagg. The Life of Edward James Wood; 1959, 180 pp

Woodard: Max W. Prescott, Charles Northrop Woodard Jr; 1996; 204 pp

Woodard: Orma Woodard Matthews; Autobiography of Jabez Woodard; 1976, 45 pp

Woodland: Woodland Family Organization; The Alfred Woodland Family; 1978, 306 pp

Zundel: Glen F. Harding, M.D; John Jacob Zundel Family Book; 1973, 597 pp