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PART ONE – Denmark, Now and Long Ago …1
1. There is a Lovely Land …1
2. Whence Came this Land and Its People …7
3. Vikings Were They …12
4. Peasants -Nobles – Kings …18
5. The Way of War …24
6. Other Dimensions …38
7. Emigration – A Magic Word …52
PART TWO – Jutland, . . Not so Long Ago …62
1. Kjallerup . . 1847- 1852 …62
2. Norhaa . …. 1852 – 1862 …74
3. Bested ….. 1862- 1865 …88
4. Kobbe-rod. … 1865- 1866 …127
5. Aalborg, . . .. . April – May 1866 …165
PART THREE – Their Promised Land …175
1. Wearying Miles Westward . ..175
2. Tragedy On the Plains …196
3. War Whoops and Drums … 207
4. Sinking Roots in Gunnison Valley …239
5. The United Order Experiment …251
6. The Brown Kit …279
PART FOUR– In the Shade of a Temple …310
1. A Clear Call …310
2. With Flags Flying …326
3. And Should They Die …342
4. Through Yesterday’s Windows …355
5. Destiny Takes a Hand …375
6. Some Dreams Come True …389
7. Prophecies Fulfilled …404
8. Wyoming Interlude …424
9. Times Hourglass …441
PART FIVE – Their Beloved Children …467
1. Christian “I” Christensen …467
Caroline Larsen (Christensen) …482
2. Andrew B. Christensen …485
Sarah Jane Bartholomew (Christensen) …507
3. Joseph C. Christensen… 514
Roxie Ellen Bartholomew (Christensen) …527
4. Albert “H” Christensen …533
Ellen Virginia or “Jennie” Snow (Christensen) …559
Myrtle Farnsworth (Christensen) –Second Wife …567
5. Elsie Katherine Christensen (Bartholomew) …. 578
Alma C. Bartholomew …588
6. Emma Eliza Christensen (Peterson) …592
Charles Peter Peterson …601
7. Louis “D” Christensen . ..606
Sarah Florence Mellor (Christensen) . ..622
8. Arthur Marinus Christensen …626
Amelia Jane Gledhill (Christensen) …640
9. Elvena Christensen (Clark) …649
George Thomas Clark …665
10. Foster Children:
(A) Ada Lorena Madsen …669
(B) Anna Theresa Carlson … 670
PART SIX – Their Numerous Grandchildren …675
1. Pearl. Eva Christensen …676
2. Joseph Harold Christensen …681
3.. Roxie. Irene Christensen. ..685
4. Inger Elora Christensen … 685
5. Adelbert Alfious Christensen …686
6. Royal Milton Christensen …686
7. Giles Elmer Christensen …686
8. LaFaun Christensen …688
9. Edith .Lovena Christensen …688
10. Christian LeRoy Christensen ….699
11. Virginia Christensen …702
12. Florence LaFaun Christensen …716
13. Alma Owen Bartholomew …721
14. Orilla Christensen …724
15. Ruth Ellen Christensen …724
16. Ellen Elaine Christensen …728
17. Louis Lucien Christensen …740
18. Edgar Dee Bartholomew …745
19. Wendell Bartholomew Christensen …747
20. Byron Charles Peterson …755
21. Myrtle Ivy Christensen …765
22. Byard Alfonzo Bartholomew …769
23. Albert Sherman Christensen …769
24. Arthur Melrose Christensen ….779
25. Sheldon Bartholomew Christensen …781
26. Ada Peterson ……. 783
27. Myron Ellis Christensen . .. 794
28. Rex Christensen …798
29. Clifton Christensen Bartholomew …802
30. Everett Hale Christensen …804
31. Nephi Wesley Christensen …816
32. Spencer Christensen …819
33. Elsie Eliza Christensen …819
34. Grace Christensen …819
35. Gladys Christensen …822
36. Virgil Bartholomew Christensen …825
37. Farrald DeLong Christensen …829
38. Dale Carmen Christensen… 831
39. Irnelda Peterson …832
40. Edith Bartholomew …835
41. Luther Bartholomew Christensen …843
42. Henry Marvin Christensen …854
43. Phillip Van Bur en Christensen …857
44. Mildred Christensen …871
45. Weldan D. Christensen …871
46. Gorden Larsen Christensen … 873
47. Ella May Bartholomew … 874
48. Alice Fern Christensen …880
49. Lucile Christensen . . .881
50. David Christian Christensen …888
51. Don Gilmore Christensen … 890
52. Charlotte Rose Christensen … 897
53. Vera Clark … 899
54. Margaret Christensen …904
55. Max Albert Christensen … 910
56. Alta Clark … 915
57. LaPreal Bartholomew …917
58. Cullen Yates Christensen …919
59. Tresia Clark …925
60. Marjorie Christensen … 928
61. Mabel Norma Christensen …930
62. LraFay Clark …950
63.. George’Fern Clark …950
64. Lorraine Clark …958
65. LaMar Christensen Clark… 961
66. Kathryn Christensen …964
67. Viola Emma Clark …975
A Descendants of Laurs M. C. and Else K. Christensen who have served L.D.S. Missions. ..981
B. Number Diagram for Pedigrees (Picture) #40 …983
The Pedigrees of Laurs M. C. and Else K. Christensen … 984
C. The Kings and Queens of England and Denmark. …990
D. List of References used in preparation of this volume …994
INDEX …996
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